Male tobacco smokers have decreased number of cannabinoid CB1 receptors,...
Chronic, frequent tobacco smokers have a decreased number of cannabinoid CB1 receptors, the "pot receptor", when compared with non-smokers, reports a study in Biological Psychiatry.
View ArticleStudy may fuel need for effective drug testing in hospital emergency departments
At a time when drug overdoses are becoming more prevalent and lethal, a new report provides a snapshot of regional illicit drug use and, for the first time, highlights the complexity of detecting and...
View ArticleNRGene partners with Pure Cannabis Research AG to develop novel cannabis...
NRGene, the leading provider of genome-wide sequencing and analysis, has partnered with Pure Cannabis Research AG, a Swiss breeding company that focuses on developing novel cannabis varieties. Pure...
View ArticleClinical trials needed to inform doctors, parents on prescribing cannabinoids...
Canadian parents use unregulated cannabinoids for seizure control in children with neurologic conditions like epilepsy, and clinical trials are needed to inform doctors and parents on prescribing,...
View ArticleScientists shed light on how dangerous inflammations are caused in the brain
The so-called CB1 receptor is responsible for the intoxicating effect of cannabis. However, it appears to act also as a kind of “sensor” with which neurons measure and control the activity of certain...
View ArticlePrenatal cannabinoid use can cause behavioral and neuronal deficits in male...
Taking cannabinoids during pregnancy can cause behavioral and neuronal deficits in adult male offspring, while females remain unaffected, says new research published in eLife.
View ArticleHalf as many people are trying heroin, but marijuana use grows
Some good news from the front lines of the heroin crisis: Half as many people tried heroin for the first time in 2017 as in 2016. That's according to data released Friday from the government's annual...
View ArticleNovel clinical trial to examine cannabis as potential treatment for essential...
Researchers at University of California School of Medicine are preparing to launch a novel clinical trial to examine the safety, efficacy and pharmacological properties of cannabis as a potential...
View ArticleCannabinoid drugs reduce perceived unpleasantness of painful stimuli and...
Researchers in the College of Arts and Sciences have determined that cannabinoid drugs do not appear to reduce the intensity of experimental pain, but, instead, may make pain feel less unpleasant and...
View ArticleResearchers identify new mechanism that promotes cutaneous wound healing
Researchers have identified a new mechanism involving ginsenoside Rb1, which has the ability to stimulate keratinocyte migration and promote cutaneous wound healing.
View ArticleEat, toke or vape: Teens not too picky when it comes to pot’s potpourri
There is no doubt that some high school students will try to get high. However, the ways they're doing it might be changing.
View ArticleEffective dose of cannabidiol for safe pain relief without the typical 'high'
In the wake of cannabis legalization, a team of scientists at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center and McGill University have delivered encouraging news for chronic pain...
View ArticleCannabinoids hold promise in treating children with epilepsy
In recent years, cannabinoids--the active chemicals in medical marijuana-- have been increasingly touted as a potential treatment for a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. In a...
View ArticleNanoSphere develops new intraoral product that has potential to revolutionize...
NanoSphere Health Sciences Inc. is pleased to announce the Company has developed a new intraoral delivered cannabis product for the Canadian market, which produces similar effects to smoking cannabis,...
View ArticleCannabis-based compound shows promise to reduce seizures in children with...
Interest has been growing in the use of cannabinoids--the active chemicals in cannabis or marijuana-- for the treatment of epilepsy in children. A recent Epilepsia analysis of relevant published...
View ArticleExperts address sleep disorders following traumatic brain injury
Disorders of sleep are some of the most common problems experienced by patients after traumatic brain injury. It is important to recognize and treat these problems early to allow for optimal cognitive...
View ArticleTherapeutic implications of caffeine in neuropsychiatric disorders
An important new article reviews recently discovered properties of adenosine A2A receptor-dopamine D2 receptor and adenosine A1 receptor-dopamine D1 receptor heteromers--both of which are main targets...
View ArticleLow-level cannabis use can change the adolescent brain
Teenagers who report using recreational marijuana just once or twice display increased volume of numerous brain regions, according to a study of 14-year-olds from Ireland, England, France, and Germany.
View ArticleNew sessions at Pittcon 2019
Pittcon 2019 will be held March 17-21, 2019 in Philadelphia PA at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. A number of new events and sessions will be held.
View ArticleAre Electronic Cigarettes Facilitating Illicit Drug Use?
In this interview, Dr. Michelle Peace provides an introduction to her research into the use of e-cigarettes for the inhalation of illicit drugs.
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